Episode 114

Published on:

17th Jun 2023

Storms of Life

Storms of Life

Finding Peace in the Midst of Life's Storms


In this episode of the Faith with Friends podcast, the speaker reflects on the story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8:23-27 and draws valuable lessons from it. The passage teaches that storms are a normal part of life, and in the midst of these storms, we can find comfort in remembering that Jesus is with us. It highlights the importance of faith and trust in Jesus, not in our own understanding or abilities. Jesus rebukes the disciples for their lack of faith and reminds them that fear and faith cannot coexist. Finally, it reminds us that Jesus has authority over creation. By commanding the winds and the waves to be still, he demonstrates that he is not only the Son of God but also the Lord of all creation. 

The speaker encourages listeners to find stillness in God during chaotic and turbulent times. By spending time in prayer and immersing ourselves in God's word, we can experience His peace and hear His gentle voice guiding us through the storm. The speaker invites listeners to reflect on their own response to storms in life and to deepen their faith and trust in God. 

The speaker reminds listeners that storms of life are inevitable, but we are not alone in them. God is with us and can provide peace even when the storm is raging. Faith and fear cannot coincide in our hearts, and we should set our hearts and minds on Jesus instead of feeding our fears. Jesus has the power and authority to calm the storm and calm our hearts, and we should place our trust in Him. The episode ends with an invitation to like and subscribe to the podcast and to share it with friends.

TimestampSummary0:00:00Introduction to Faith With Friends podcast0:00:22Reading of Matthew 8:23-27 in NIV and amplified translations0:02:23Lessons from the passage: storms are a normal part of life, importance of faith and trust in Jesus, Jesus has authority over creation0:03:19Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5-6)0:04:30When you pass through the waters, I will be with you (Isaiah 43:2)0:05:06Psalm 46:10 encourages us to find stillness in God in the midst of chaos0:05:39Trust in God during storms, talk to Him and immerse in His word0:06:35Questions to reflect on: how do you respond to storms? What steps are you taking to deepen your faith?0:07:04Takeaways: storms will come, you're not alone, faith and fear cannot coincide0:08:04Jesus has the power to calm the storm and calm your heart, trust in Him0:08:32Conclusion and call to action to like, subscribe, and share the podcast

  1. B-(0:01:16)
"Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea and there at once a great and wonderful calm. A peaceful peacefulness came over them."
  1. B-(0:01:51)
"And then the men wondered in amazement, saying what kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey him."
  1. B-(0:02:23)
"It's important to note that some of the disciples were experienced fishermen yet they were still overwhelmed with fear."
  1. B-(0:03:19)
"Jesus rebukes the disciples for their lack of faith, and then he reminds them that fear and faith cannot coexist."
  1. B-(0:03:58)
"His display of authority reminds you and me that it doesn't matter how bad the storm is or the circumstances may be, jesus is in control."
  1. B-(0:04:30)
"There we're reminded of the importance of trusting God completely. Even when you don't understand why you're facing a storm or why you're in the middle of a storm."
  1. B-(0:05:06)
"When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep you over. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The flames will never set you ablaze."
  1. B-(0:05:39)
"God promises to be with us and to protect us. We can find peace and strength in his presence."
  1. B-(0:06:04)
"Just as the disciples turn to Jesus in their times of need, you and I have to turn to the Scriptures for wisdom and guidance."
  1. B-(0:07:04)
"May it inspire and motivate you to lean into the arms of Jesus to trust in his authority and find peace in the middle of the storm."


0:00:00 - (A): You're listening to Faith With Friends podcast where we talk about faith, relationships and spiritual growth. Welcome to our circle and the conversation where we seek to know God and make him known. Now here's your host, Lisa Lorenzo.

0:00:22 - (B): Welcome back, friends. Today is Faith Filled Friday. Friday the day that we push away the busy world and we gather together around God's words to see what areas of our life we need to grow or trust God a little more. Today we're diving into Matthew chapter eight, verses 23 through 27 which is a powerful passage that teaches us about faith, trust and the authority of Jesus over the storms of our lives.

0:00:48 - (B): Let's begin by reading the passage in two different translations the NIV and the amplified translation. The NIV says Then Jesus got into the boat and the disciples followed him. And suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat. While Jesus was sleeping, the disciples went and woke him up and said Lord save us, we're going to drown. And he replied, you of little faith, why are you so afraid?

0:01:16 - (B): Then he got up. He rebuked the wind and the waves and it became completely calm. The men were amazed, asking, what kind of man is this? Even the wind and waves obey him. Now, before we get started, listen to the amplified translation. And after he got into the boat, the disciples followed him and suddenly arose a violent storm on the sea so that the boat was being covered by the waves. But Jesus was sleeping and the disciples went to him and woke him up and said Lord save us, we're going to die. He said to them, Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?

0:01:51 - (B): Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea and there at once a great and wonderful calm. A peaceful peacefulness came over them. And then the men wondered in amazement, saying what kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey him. In this passage, we find Jesus and his disciples caught in a horrible storm. While they're in the boat together, the disciples, terrified for their own lives, wake Jesus up, desperately seeking his intervention.

0:02:23 - (B): It's important to note that some of the disciples were experienced fishermen yet they were still overwhelmed with fear. Jesus responds by challenging their faith and then he demonstrates his authority over nature by calming the storm. This passage holds tremendous significance for believers today because it teaches us several valuable lessons. First, it reminds us that storms are a normal part of life.

0:02:50 - (B): Just as the disciples face a literal storm, we face metaphoric storms that can threaten to overwhelm us challenges, trials and uncertainties that shake our faith. And in the midst of these storms, you and I can find comfort in remembering that Jesus is with us, that he cannot leave us nor forsake us, that we are always in his presence secondly, this passage highlights the importance of faith and trust in the boat. No.

0:03:19 - (B): Faith and trust in our weather system? Absolutely not. It's the importance of faith and trust in Jesus. Jesus rebukes the disciples for their lack of faith, and then he reminds them that fear and faith cannot coexist. It is a gentle yet profound reminder for you and me as well. We are called to trust in Jesus even in the midst of lifestorms, knowing that Jesus has the power to calm the waves that threaten to drown us. And we're also reminded that Jesus has authority over creation. By commanding the winds and the waves to be still, he demonstrates that he's not only the Son of God, but he is the Lord of all creation.

0:03:58 - (B): The disciples were astounded they recognized that they were in the presence of someone truly extraordinary. His display of authority reminds you and me that it doesn't matter how bad the storm is or the circumstances may be, jesus is in control. As we apply this passage to our lives, we take a moment and reflect and then consider how can it transform us? We'll hear a few supporting verses so that we can see some light shed on these themes. Proverbs three, verses five and six reads trust in the Lord with all of your heart.

0:04:30 - (B): Lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways, submit to Him and he will make your paths straight. There we're reminded of the importance of trusting God completely. Even when you don't understand why you're facing a storm or why you're in the middle of a storm, our own understanding is limited, but God's wisdom and guidance are limitless. Had the disciples only focused on their own understanding, who knows how that story would have ended? But this is what Isaiah 43, verse two says when you pass through the waters, I will be with you.

0:05:06 - (B): When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep you over. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The flames will never set you ablaze. This verse reminds us that no matter how fierce the storm of life can be, god promises to be with us and to protect us. We can find peace and strength in his presence. Psalm 46 ten encourages you and me, be still and know that I am God. So in the middle of chaos and turbulence, god invites us to find stillness in Him.

0:05:39 - (B): And then in those moments of stillness, we can experience his peace and hear his gentle voice guiding us through the storm. So I wonder today, what storm are you going through in life? What difficult situation are you walking in and wondering, why am I going through this? And where is God? Well, God is with you. Let us trust in God when we face storms, big or small. Let us anchor our faith in his unwavering love and authority.

0:06:04 - (B): So spend some time talking to God go to him about your storm. Talk to him about it. Explain to him your experience, what you're thinking, seek his guidance and surrender your fears and worries to him. Secondly, we can immerse ourselves in God's word. Just as the disciples turn to Jesus in their times of need, you and I have to turn to the Scriptures for wisdom and guidance. That means taking time every day to read and meditate on the Bible, allowing its truth to shape our perspective and to strengthen our faith in Him.

0:06:35 - (B): Here are some questions for you. How do you typically respond when faced with a storm in your life? Do you find it challenging to trust God in the midst of difficult situations? And what steps are you taking right now, today, to deepen your faith and trust in Him even in the middle of a storm? Remember friends, that the story in Matthew chapter eight, verses 23 to 27, is not merely a historical account, but it is a transformative message for our lives today.

0:07:04 - (B): May it inspire and motivate you to lean into the arms of Jesus to trust in his authority and find peace in the middle of the storm. What is one thing you can take away from today's episode? That storms of life are going to come. They roll in and they roll out. Some stay a little longer. But number two, that you're not alone in those storms. God is with you. He can provide peace when the storm is raging.

0:07:30 - (B): And number three, that faith and fear cannot coincide in your heart. Instead of feeding the fear and spending time in your mind going over what the horrible things that could happen because of this storm, how about setting your heart and your mind on Jesus? Let it be filled with the love of Christ. Let your mind be filled with the word of Christ. And may the Spirit of Christ guide our thoughts and our decisions and our character and everything that we think about and talk about every single day. I don't know about you, but when there's a storm, I love to be with somebody else.

0:08:04 - (B): Remember that Jesus is your somebody else. He is with you in the middle of the storm. He cannot leave you nor forsake you, and he has the power and authority to calm the storm. He also has the power and authority to calm you in the middle of the storm. Even when he doesn't move the storm away, he can still calm your heart if you turn to Him and place your trust in Him. Well, friends, until next time. May your faith be unwavering and may your hearts and minds be filled with the love of Christ.

0:08:34 - (A): Thanks for joining us for today's Faith with Friends podcast. We hope you will like and subscribe as we continue the conversation. Follow us on Instagram at Faith with friends. If you enjoyed this podcast, would you forward to your friends sore circle will continue to grow.

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About the Podcast

Faith with Friends
Christian Podcast for Women who want spiritual growth and deepen their walk with God.
Friends with Faith is all about progress not perfection. We are a circle of friends that desire to grow in our walk with Jesus. Here, we get together to think a little more about faith & love. Whether you’re a newcomer, or a lifelong Christian, you’ll hear thought provoking & stimulating conversation about all things faith: from growing your personal relationships, to your own spiritual growth and connection with God. We are walking out and working out our faith together in community. We share each others burdens, carrying them to the cross. We celebrate each other, building each other up for the good works God has prepared. If you struggle to be faithful in prayer and reading the Bible then we believe this is the podcast that will help you apply God's Word to everyday tasks and trials. We share what works for us and encourage you as we learn and grow together. We want to learn how to love God and others better. Welcome to our circle. Thanks for listening in!

About your host

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Lisa Lorenzo