Episode 93

Published on:

20th Mar 2023

Cultivating a Meaningful Quiet Time

In this podcast, host Lisa Lorenzo talks about the struggles of her quiet time with the Lord and the importance of seeking God himself rather than seeking the power of God. She suggests carving out time to talk to God in the morning and at night, and suggests looking to the examples of Jesus in the Bible who woke up early and went away to a solitude place to pray. Lisa also shares Proverbs 3 as a great guideline to spending time with God, and suggests self-reflection and bringing our hearts to God.

The speaker talks about the importance of understanding and how it can be more valuable than silver. He encourages the listener to take the time to reflect on their heart, to open up to God about their feelings, and to confess any sins or weaknesses. He emphasizes the importance of meditating on God's word and trusting in Him. He also encourages the listener to invite God into their situations and to obey Him in the good He has asked of them. Through this process of self-reflection, the listener can learn to draw closer to God and be more profitable than silver.

The speaker discussed two passages from the Bible that speak to the process of confession and repentance. Chronicles 7:14 and John 1:9 focus on humbling oneself, praying and seeking God, and turning away from wickedness. When we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Confession is an expression of faith in God's mercy and is linked to repentance, which requires turning away from sin and toward God's righteousness. The act of confessing our sins helps us to focus on God and release the burden of our sins. With our hands free, we can lift them up and praise God, love others better, and help others carry their burdens by forgiving those who have hurt us.

In this conversation, we discussed the importance of prayer and meditation in deepening our relationship with God. We are commanded to forgive others, just as God forgives us. To truly benefit from reading the Bible, we must meditate on it, rather than just read it, allowing it to affect our mind and our heart. This will lead to a deeper relationship with God. We can meditate by dwelling on God's truths and pondering them, as well as by thinking about what God has done in our lives. An example of someone who was devoted to meditation is Daniel, who prayed three times a day and was rewarded with a vision from God. We should never be afraid to pray and meditate, as God is always listening and responding to our words.



Heading: Cultivating a Deeper Relationship with God Through Prayer


Reflection on Proverbs 16:16: "Acquiring Understanding is More Profitable than Silver"


"The Power of Confession and Repentance: Exploring 2 Chronicles 7:14 and 1 John 1:9"


Topic: The Power of Prayer and Meditation in Developing a Deeper Relationship with God


"The Power of Prayer: Examining Biblical Examples of God's Response to Prayer"


Topic: Jesus' Prayer Life


"The Power of Prayer: Jesus' Example and How to Cultivate a Praying Life"


"Exploring the Power of Prayer: A Faith with Friends Podcast"


Ask God for forgiveness. Repent. Turn away from your sin and turn towards God and seek God's glory. Seek God's presence. Seek a deeper walk with God. Every time you do this, you will walk away with a little bit of better understanding of who God is. And remember that we have a helper. We have a helper. In John 14, it says, I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper and he will be with you forever.

In Hebrews seven, it says that he's still making intercession for us. He lives to make intercession for us. Jesus prayed for himself. Jesus prayed for God to be glorified. Jesus sought forgiveness of others. Jesus never sinned, but he prayed father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. And listen, you might be in a place where I have also been that you want to pray that God will get somebody.. But when you grow in spiritual maturity, when God is the one leading you, then you can pray god forgive them because they really don't know what they're doing. And if you've never had that experience, let one of your kids or someone that you love dearly do something wrong to you or to somebody else, and you will find yourself on your knees asking God to forgive them. So as Jesus taught us to pray for Himself, for the walk, even forgot to remove this cup from him, but then he says, but not my will.

And later on God responds and he says, I will also do this that you have spoken, for you have found grace in my sight, and I know you by name. And then Moses asks him, please show me your glory. And now let's talk for a minute about Jesus. Luke 321. It says, now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized. And while he was praying, heaven opened. Jesus prayers opens heaven. Jesus crucifixion on the cross broke the veil that used to stop us from having direct communication from God.

I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditations. What a wonderful work. When you're thinking about problems, situations, you have anxiety. Psalm 145, verse 5. On the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wonderful works will I meditate. Stop for a minute and think about what God has done in your life. Think about how he has shown up, how he has led you, how he is with you. His presence is always with you. And allow that to be the focus of your day.

If the Scripture only lives in your head and doesn't make it into your heart, then it doesn't really have an impact in your life and in the lives of others around you. But when we meditate, it's to dwell on anything in thought, to study. Remember that the Bible is not there just to inform us, but to transform us. So reading the Bible quickly, without serious meditation, without applying your mind and your heart and really tearing the Scripture apart, thinking about it, chewing on it, considering it, allowing it to affect our mind and our hearts will not lead us to a deeper relationship with God. It will just lead us to more Information in Psalm 19 it says let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.

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About the Podcast

Faith with Friends
Christian Podcast for Women who want spiritual growth and deepen their walk with God.
Friends with Faith is all about progress not perfection. We are a circle of friends that desire to grow in our walk with Jesus. Here, we get together to think a little more about faith & love. Whether you’re a newcomer, or a lifelong Christian, you’ll hear thought provoking & stimulating conversation about all things faith: from growing your personal relationships, to your own spiritual growth and connection with God. We are walking out and working out our faith together in community. We share each others burdens, carrying them to the cross. We celebrate each other, building each other up for the good works God has prepared. If you struggle to be faithful in prayer and reading the Bible then we believe this is the podcast that will help you apply God's Word to everyday tasks and trials. We share what works for us and encourage you as we learn and grow together. We want to learn how to love God and others better. Welcome to our circle. Thanks for listening in!

About your host

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Lisa Lorenzo